Thursday, April 28, 2011

A League year

The "league year" has not begun, which is why trades and free agent signings can't be conducted. But the draft is going forward. Does this mean that college players drafted this weekend will accrue a year of service when the league year actually begins?

Labor Law

Btw, I need to get a labor law expert to chime in, but how is it that - legally - the league can conduct this year's draft which, as I understand it, is be operated under the auspices of the CBA - when the CBA is expired and the players union doesn't even exist anymore?

Collusion Next?

In some ways, I'm shocked that the league hasn't postponed the draft because of the recent legal decisions.

At the very least, they need to come up with new work rules in light of the absence of a CBA and no lockout.

As of now, teams are able to trade players and sign free agents. if none do before the draft begins, or even shortly afterwards, I would imagine the players would have another lawsuit they could win related to collusion.

If i were the NFLPA, i would instruct players to again try to gain entry to team facilities today on the day of the draft and force teams to turn them away again - showing that while they have no plan for how to deal with players they are continuing with the draft.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Game 7

The Flyers live to play another round. And my Flyer fan friend, the Big O, nailed the game 7 prediction, accurately suggesting that if the Flyers could get a 2 goal lead in the 2nd perioed they would win the game, both of which occurred.


President Obama has released his "long form" birth certificate. In theory, the document should quell the lingering yet widespread doubts about his birthplace among conspiracy minded (or is it delusional) Republicans. Yet, the document also means that congressional Democrats missed (again) an opportunity to take the offensive and put their colleagues to a difficult vote.

Congressional Democrats should have introduced a privileged resolution affirming that Obama is a native born American and the duly elected President of the United States. Because all House and Senate members take an oath to uphold the constitution, their very positions require them to remove the president if they didn't believe him to be constitutionally qualified to be president. Democrats should have forced Republicans to vote on the record on the issue and try to drive at least a slight wedge between the elected officials and the tea party base.

But being Democrats, they of course chose to do nothing.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Game 7 Prediction

Flyer fan fave Big O's Game 7 Prediction:

First of all, you should both know that I predicted that this series was going to go 7, exclusively because of this team's deplorable goaltending situation. 

Prediction:  If we have a 2-3-goal lead by the middle of the 2nd period, we win. If not, its highly likely we lose, in overtime.

Great Minds Think Alike

My friend PK has the same thought with respect to the lockout injunction:

Good lord, could we be so lucky as to have trades and free-agent signings resume, even if it's just for 1 week? Deep down, if you're Eagles management, you've got to be praying for some break in the logjam so that we can unload Kolb. Right?
If we can unload him for a 1st rounder, we could be setting ourselves up to be real Super Bowl contenders for the next 2-3 seasons, depending on how healthy Vick can remain.

Lockout Injuction and Trading Kolb

I you read the comments on all the lockout stories on it is UNBELIEVABLE how many of their readers mindlessly support the owners and blame the players for "ruining" football. That was pre-yesterday's ruling. The vast majority of comments blamed the players for the lockout. Blamed the players for being too greedy, etc. it's incredible.

Now, post-lockout injunction ruling, most of the comments are blaming the players for trying to eliminate the draft, salary caps, veteran minimum salaries, and the overall competitiveness of the league. It is incredible.

Anyway, I posted a comment that while the ruling was a clear defeat for the owners the timing could not have been better for teams as it will allow them to sign and trade players in the run up and during the draft (assuming the judge doesn't rule on the league's stay request until post-draft). Including the Eagles and their disposition of Kolb.

BTW, did you see the reports that D'Brickshaw Ferguson showed up at the Jets facility today for his off-season workout (for which he earns $750,000 as a bonus) and was refused entry by security. Guess who will be suing the Jets for $750,000 when this work stoppage is resolved.

Monday, April 25, 2011

1st Round Roulette

Has any team ever started three different goalies in 6 games of a playoff series? Has any team ever won a playoff series while starting three different goalies?

The Flyers' seemingly perpetual goaltending revolving door - of starting net-minders who were just average at best (Ron Hextall's first time through, excepted) - is like the round robin of kickers the Eagles used to go through before they were able to find a go-to kicker in David Akers. Will the Flyers ever be able to win a Cup with their shortshriftedness of the goalie position.

Brian Boucher summarizes it thusly: "Isn't it always bizarre in Philadelphia for goaltenders?"


Friday, April 22, 2011

Sheen and Sports

It's funny that the news media, particularly the Washington Post, are making such a big deal about the police escort Charlie Sheen received the other day from the airport to his show. The Post's editors are in such high dudgeon that they merited the situation a critical editorial. Here's hoping that the Post and other news orgs remember their outrage about inappropriate use of police resources and escorts the next time a professional sports team - like the Redskins or their opponent, or the network announcers covering said game - get similar treatment.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Eagles to play Bills in Toronto

On either November 13 or the 30 per Also per them, Mike Vick might have a hard time gaining entry to Canada for the game.

I've also heard speculation that the league will likely schedule a Giants/Jets Sunday night nationally televised game on 9/11, the 10th anniversary of the, well, 9/11 attacks. Toward that end, the Redskins are expected to host a game that day, too. Cause, you know, the Pentagon was also hit. What better way to celebrate than with a game by a team named for a city they don't play in to be held in a state where the attacks didn't occur.

I've also heard rumors that the Eagles will also host a game on 9/11 cause of the plane that crashed in Pa. But isn't that site closer to the Steelers than Eagles? Or will both Penna. teams get a home game that day?

That is, of course, if there is a season.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Barry Bonds was vindicated in his epic legal battle with federal prosecutors and jeff novinski, his own Inspector Javert.

he was found guilty of obstructing justice, but my money is on the judge overturning that verdict on May 20th. He "obstructed justice" by failing to answer a question clearly, not because he lied or gave false testimony.


Surprising that on the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War that the Nationals' didn't have President Abraham Lincoln win the "presidents" race in the game on Wednesday. Washington, DC is a southern city below the Mason-Dixon line, but did the Lerners not care or hope to avoid controversy by in no way recognizing this historic milestone in American history?

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Some 2nd Game

My friend Pk attended last night's Cliff Lee love-fest, specifically selecting this game to see Lee's triumphant return.

He reports:

The man got a thunderous standing ovation for executing a sacrifice bunt, that's about what I can tell you in terms of just how crazed the atmosphere. As part of the opening weekend, they had lotsa little kids involved in the game -- the lineups were announced by some little girl and the 1st inning at-bats were announced by some little boy.

So, it's not quite 7 pm, and the little girl is announcing the lineups for both teams. Finally, after announcing Valdez batting 8th, the little girl knows enough to give a dramatic pause. The bullpen doors open in CF, and No. 33 comes bolting outta the gate. "Batting 9th for the Phillies, pitcher Cliff Lee!!!" I don't think anyone in the stadium could even hear her say the word "Lee", because by then it was so loud, every single person standing and cheering like mad.

I think I can safely say that it was the most electric 2nd game of the season that anyone has ever witnessed.

Sheridan Nails It

Per Phil Sheridan:

"The fans here are known for making noise, but not necessarily applause. Standing up isn't uncommon, but usually it's to get a better angle to hurl invective. This is a reputation we're both embarrassed by and, let's be honest, oddly proud of. Jimmy Rollins, who has served honorably here for over a decade, smiled with real affection Friday as he described the fans heckling the team before the ninth inning. On opening day."


Cliff Lee: "These fans have the knack for getting a little louder than anybody else. I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's alcohol-induced or what. They definitely have a knack for supporting their team, which is good."

He likes us, he really likes us!

What are the odds?

What would the odds have been and who in their right mind would have taken the bet at any point up till the last week of March that Butler rather than Duke would be the team returning to this year's championship game?

What's Wrong with College Basketball

That UK coach John Calipari can coach in the Final Four, much less the NCAA tournament this year, while the team he used to coach, Memphis  - and the players still there as well as the players who have joined the team since he left - are barred from playing in the tournament.

How is that fair?

NCAA basketball = penalizing players and rewarding coaches. It's the ultimate coaches league.

Kolb Contract

How the hell did I miss the numbers in Kevin Kolb's contract extension last year. He got $12 million guaranteed?!?!!?!?!?


Friday, April 01, 2011

Phillies Fans Most Loyal

And least likely to "like" other teams...and most "provincial," i.e., more likely to be friends with other Phils' fans.