Bush Twins- Party Hearty
Even non-partisans can agree that the appearance/speech last night of Jenna and Barbara Bush was the most cringe-inducing event of the Republican National Convention. Maybe it seemed like a good idea to humanize the leader of the free world by showcasing his daughters (but really, First Lady Laura Bush would have sufficed in and of itself), but the Twins' five minutes of fame (it seemed painfully, painfully longer) was just downright bizarre.
The tag-team speech itself didn't help - an odd mix of homage and humor - and the girls' woo-hoo delivery merely confirmed their vapidness and party hearty reputation. This is the next generation of the Bush dynasty?!!?
Having shown little interest in world events or the family business for the past 22 years, the girls now want to participate in their dad's last campaign. Now we know why they've been AWOL this entire time. They're insipid dolts. They may want a role in the presidential campaign, but what good can they accomplish on the stump after that disastrous appearance?
BTW, did anyone else think it strange that while the President spoke to the convention via satellite after his girls' intro that the people in the background continued to play softball as the President spoke?
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