Monday, August 22, 2005

Vegas still likes the Eagles with the TO turmoil

Last week, I referenced an ESPN online poll about
what the general fan thought the Eagles should do about TO.
I dismissed it as rather meaningless, but giving the sense
of where public opinion and support lie.

There is another "opinion" poll that matters a little more,
if for no other reason than the opinion makers
are putting their money where their mouths are - The Vegas lines.

A friend suggested after TO was suspended that perhaps
a profitable wager opportunity may have presented itself
with the turmoil and uncertainty TO's camp suspension
had dealt to the predictions of the Eagles returning to
the Super Bowl. Indeed, three years ago the Eagles' odds
sank like a stone after McNabb broke his ankle
three years ago. But alas, I checked the online sites and
the Eagles' odds - amazingly - do not seem to have

These odds are from last Tuesday night, before TO successfully
(it appears) returned to camp Wednesday morning. And by the way,
honestly, ESPN really is treating this entire situation like th OJ trial.

I mean ESPN is becoming just like Fox, CNN and MSNBC when
they get a story and just beat it to death with 24/7 coverage. Mike and Mike
ESPN radio morning show broke into their programming at 8:49 am to
get a live report from Sal Pal about the TO/Andy Reid meeting and the
fact that Reid walked onto the practice field at 8:46 and Owens
followed two minutes later. I kid you not.

Anyway, according to the "site" the Eagles and the Colts are the
favorites among ALL NFL teams to win the Supe. That's to win, not just
get there. They are both at 5 1/4 -1. The Pats are 5 1/2 to 1. The next
closest is the steelers at 13-1. (the skins are 40-1).

The Eagles, obviously then, are also the prohibitive favorites to win
the NFC Championship. They're a little more than 2-1 favorites. Next
closest are the Falcons and Panthers at 6-1, followed by the Vikings at
7-1 and then the rest of the teams are more than 10-1.

This year, something new, you can pick the division champs. Here the
Eagles are prohibitive, prohibitive favorites. They are 1-5 favorites.
That's right. Risk 5 to win 1. Cowboys are next favored at 5 1/2 to 1,
then the skinnies at 7-1 and the Gints at 8-1.

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