Friday, September 09, 2005

More Manuel Managing

From my friend Paul, some random thoughts on the sinking Phillies season, and a good question about the red/blue hats in the WS:

* the Phillies wear those red-and-blue caps during inter-league games. If by some random stroke of blind luck they were to go on an amazing run and win the NL pennant, would they wear those caps in the world series? Or would those not be considered "inter-league" games?

* Having the MLB package gives you great access to other teams' broadcast booths. Wow, the SF Giants have one of the worst combos in teh world. They have some guy who, whenever it's a likely fast-ball pitch, says to the audience, "He's sitting dead red on this one." I had never heard the phrase before, but other friends assure me it's acceptable -- but again, I stress that this guy says it roughly three times per half inning. This same guy referred to David Bell as "a guy who just keeps finding ways for your team to win games, he's a winnder." I believe Bell promptly grounded into a double play.

On the flip side, I caught some Mets games last week. Ross, you hear him more than I do, but the game I heard, wow, Keith Hernandez seemed great. I told other friends that he reminded of McCarver in his early, non-ego-driven days as a Phillies No. 2 or No. 3 color guy. Really sharp, insightful, and most importantly, retired long enough ago that he has no attachment to these players of today and is willing to call them out for being stupid.

Also, the Astros color guy was pretty decent last night. Not sure who he was, but he struck me as somone who migth have been a catcher because of his awareness of pitch selection.

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