Monday, May 14, 2007

Big Abiamiri

I must admit I did a double take when I read the following passage from today’s Les Bowen article about the Eagles defensive upsizing: “including the second-round drafting of 6-4, 267-pound Victor Abiamiri, who automatically became the team's biggest defensive end.”


Whoa. Can that be right? At 267 lbs, Abiamiri is already the heaviest d-end? Sure enough, a check of the Eagles roster indicates that McDougle is 264, Kearse 265, Marques Murrell (?) 246, and Juqua Thomas 250.


Now, Trent Cole is listed at 270 and Darren Howard is listed as a defensive end and at 275. So perhaps technically Abiamiri isn’t the heaviest d-end on the team (straight out of college, no less), but he’s very close. And the coaches project him to put on approximately 10 lbs and get up to the 275-280 range so if all goes according to plan he will definitely be the largest in the near future.

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