Tuesday, August 07, 2007

But We're the Phillies

A good friend writes:


If I had any faith in the Phillies as a team -- as an organization, as a franchise, as a values system -- I'd think that Sunday’s 5-run rally in the 9th, capped off by winning in the 11th, is the spark that sends them marching into the playoffs. With other teams, that's what would happen. Think Red Sox-Yankees, late July '04, Varitek beats up ARod, no one on the New York bench defends their star, the Sox pound Rivera in the 9th, capped off by Mueller's homer to win it (or did he tie it and they win in extras?), sending the Sox on to a great August, September and October.


But we're the Phillies. Incredible wins like yesterday's do nothing to spur momentum to the very next day, it's amazing. Seriously, amazing. I sat through those 14 innings late last September, watching the Phils eek out a huge win over the Nats in RFK on a Wed night, with all momentum seemingly all on their side, then saw them come out and play one of their most listless games of the year the very next night when the game started at 11:35 pm and the only people in the stadium were 500 of the most insanely rabid sports fans ever assembled, just pure raw drunken lunatics, not a single one of them belonging on the public streets.


It's amazing how this team can sometimes play with all the fire in the world and then just sleep walk through games the very next night.


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