Taco Bell "Rules"
I don't get the Taco Bell commercial now in heavy rotation during the World Series. The guy lists his three rules: No lap dogs, no women with dragon tatoos, and always get chili on your Taco Bell nachos bell grande. But then it turns out the guy does have a lap dog and dates a woman with a dragon tatoo. So what, exactly, is the message? The guy is a hypocrite? Don't believe/trust a thing he says? In either case, why would we be inclined to follow his "rule" to get chili on his nachos.
And then there is the accompanying music. Devo's "Crack that Whip." What is that supposed to mean? And then there's the little brother making the little whip gesture with his hand at the end of the ad. I took it as a weird suggestion that the guy is pussy whipped. He's got a lap dog and his dominatrix girlfriend is ordering him to take care of the little rat. But what does being pussy whipped have to with nachos bell grande? And do you want that guy conveying your message? Pussy whipped guys love nachos bell grande, especially with chili on them. Is the whole commercial a goof on the "rules guy." If so, why not have the little brother suggest getting chili on the nachos.
The whole thing is strange. if anyone can explain it to me please post a comment.
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