Tuesday, July 08, 2008


In this television age, I didn't think it possible that a major professional sports team - in this case MLB's Washington Nationals - would have more fans personally attend the games than watch them on TV.

The Nationals, whose games are broadcast on either MASN or MASN2, are drawing a 0.39 average rating and an average of 9,000 households in the Washington market, according to the report.
(Note "MASN" is the local sports channel available on most basic cable/satellite programming packages in the greater DC region).

As if to add insult to injury, the article goes on to try to rationalize that Nationals' ratings will rise when the team gets better just like what happened with the Washington Capitals, who
"saw their local ratings spike during their late-season surge last season. The Capitals broadcasts drew a 0.78 rating and an average of 17,940 households on Comcast SportsNet and CSN+."
In other words, the Nationals' TV ratings are HALF that of the city's hockey team. Does it get any worse than that as far as fan interest in baseball? Doubtful.

Major league city my a**.

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