Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Man

For Two Sluggers, It Is the October of Their Lives - "“He’s wanted to be the man,” Rollins said. “He’s wanted to step up and assume that role. He’s done that very successfully, and that is very big for him, a big step in his legacy — because he does have a legacy, by the way — to be the man. He’s the big guy on campus. Everybody looks at the big guy and expects things to happen, and he makes ’em happen.”"

Ryan Howard is "The Man."

Remember when he was in Triple A and the knock on him was that he had a "hole" in his swing. Now? Not so much. Hopefully this series will be more of Howard's national coming out party (the Subway commercials notwithstanding) and he can start being included in the conversations about the best hitter in baseball that till now have exclusively focused on Albert Pujols.

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