Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Next 2 Weeks

so having had the opportunity (or misfortune) to catch several Phillies game prior to the all-star break, i was ready to throw in the towel on the season after such desultory play.

But hope does spring eternal.

They have to go 50-25 just to get to 88 wins, which may not be enough for that second wild card spot. More improbable is a team that is currently languishing at a .427 win percentage suddenly becoming a .666 juggernaut. Having said that, I guess we should give them the champs their due and the next two weeks to show that they could do it. While everyone is focusing on the final record, don't they really have to go 10-5 over the next five series in order to avoid a RAG sell-off? They're now 1-1 in that pursuit.

(And if they don't/can't do it, the first order of business (besides giving Hamels' the 6th year on the contract he so desperately wants) is to trade Victorino and bring Brown up for an extended look for the rest of the season.)

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