Washington Post Editors
Hysterical editorial from Washington Post editorial elite demanding GOP elite to stop Donald Trump from being so popular with Republican voters. Does it get any more elite than that?
I'll have plenty more about this ridiculous editorial that somehow got published in one of the nation's (if not the world's) premier newspapers. The entire premise of the editorial is absurd, as is the editorial's analysis of the current political environment and Republican party.
To wit, this nugget:
A political party, after all, isn't meant to be merely a collection of consultants, lobbyists and functionaries angling for jobs. It is supposed to have principles: in the Republican case, at least as we have always understood it, to include a commitment to efficient government, free markets and open debate.
"Open debate?" The Washington Post editors must not be aware that the very Republican leaders they are appealing to - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch just announced that the Senate would not even consider any Obama nominee for the Supreme Court. So much for open debate.
When will the news media like the Post understand that the problem isn't that Donald Trump is out of the Republican mainstream. No, the problem is that he is adhering to the party's principles..
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