Circular Firing Squad
Vox highlights the circular logic of the Anyone But Trump mentality.
For most of the campaign, the assumption was that Trump would be a lot weaker and easier to attack once he was locked in one-on-one combat with a single opponent. Now the NeverTrumpers want to keep that from happening. And even as they point out (accurately) that Trump has never been hit with a sustained attack from another candidate, and could very well be vulnerable to one, the brokered convention Voltron fantasy makes it less likely that he'll experience that from another Republican.
Does the GOP establishment want to winnow the field so that there is a one-on-one matchup vs. Trump in the winner take all primaries to come? Or does it want everyone to stay in to siphon off delegates and prevent Trump from getting to the 1,237? Hard to tell. The argument changes by the day...and hour.
The biggest question is whether they hate Trump so much that they're willing to back the almost equally hated (?) Ted Cruz.
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