Thursday, September 29, 2016

Serious Steve Case

The Washington Post has trotted out another "economic elite" to endorse Hillary Clinton. This time it is disgraced AOL co-founder Steve Case - he of the most cataclysmic business merger in US history, the infamous Time Warner-AOL deal. The fact that the Post thinks that Case's opinion is worthy of printing is perhaps more telling about the Post's disconnect with the American public than Case's support of Clinton. 

Why again should we be heeding the "wisdom" of a business leader whose company's fraudulent bookkeeping, questionable business practices, and overstated value helped destroy billions of dollars of shareholder investments? All while he walked away with hundreds of millions of dollars for himself.

Does Case even realize that when he writes that, "I get why Trump has been such a potent political force this year. I am well aware that millions of people are angry about their prospects and fearful that the forces of globalization and digitization have left them behind," the anger is directed at people like him and his actions? The Post certainly doesn't.

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