Sunday, December 18, 2016

Not a "Bang-Bang" Play

Let's dispel the notion that Deshazor Everett's vicious cheap shot on Eagles punt returner Darren Sproles last wee was a "bang-bang" play as Everett has tried to explain.

A bang-bang play would have occurred had Sproles actually caught the ball. He didn't. Thus it was an egregious penalty worthy of the fine imposed by the league. In fact, it was so flagrant that it should have resulted in his ejection. He certainly should have been ejected after committing a second personal foul on a subsequent punt return when he blind sided Brent Celek (with a helmet to helmet hit no less!). It's also worth noting that thanks to Everett, Sproles is out for today's game vs. the Ravens.

Moreover, Everett's excuse-making also suggests he doesn't understand the rules of football. As Everett said, "You have options. You have ways to protect yourself. It's not like the guy called fair catch, and I still took a shot at him because I'm not that type of player."

Yes, you are exactly that kind of dirty player who also doesn't understand the rules. What does Sproles calling a fair catch have to do with anything? The rules clearly state you're not allowed to hit the punt returner when he doesn't have the football. Everett suggests that, in his mind, punt returners are fair game whether they have the ball or not and the ONLY way to prevent them from being hit is to call a fair catch.

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