Monday, May 14, 2007

Vote No on Judge McCaffrey

What's more embarrassing:


That we had to have a judge installed in the Vet to deal with all the Eagles' hooligans?

Or the fact that Pennsylvania has this corrupt system of electing its judges and Judge Seamus McCaffrey is on the verge of being the next Democratic nominee to the state Supreme Court, with an ad campaign -- as evidenced in today's full-page ad in the Phila Inquirer with the headline "the judge who restored law and order to the NFL" -- based around his service as a judge handling drunken misbehavior?


I always thought McCaffrey did too much grandstanding with his Eagles court. We get it. You set up a court inside the Vet to mete out fines for disorderly conducts and public intoxication. But when he constantly hyped it brought discredit to the vast majority of fans who were law abiding spectators. (BTW, was this “court” – as a public venue, as was the publicly-owned Vet – accessible to the general public (and not just ticket holders) who wanted to witness the proceedings?)


He’s done pretty well for himself as a former Philly beat cop. But don’t let him become a state Supreme Court Justice at the expense of Eagles fans’ reputation.


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