Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Democratic Wussies

Here's just the latest example of the wussies that pass for "leaders" in the Democratic party. Florida University student Andrew Meyer got into a heated q&a exchange with presidential loser and still junior Massachusetts Senator John Kerry to the point where police escorted Meyer from the event. Here's the story here.

But the big story is that Meyer, while lying prone and being subdued by five (5!) police officers and with what looked like handcuffs on was then tasered (!) by police.

You can see the video of the whole spectacle here on youtube. When you view it, though, try to remain focused on the audio and Kerry's voice. A student is being taken away by at least five police officers, is being held down in the middle of an auditorium aisle, and then tasered.....all while John Kerry is droning on in the background, seemingly oblivious to the police brutality occurring 25 feet away and directly in front of him - which all occurs because a student got exercised in asking him some heated questions.

Again, Kerry does nothing. After the event, his office put out some lame statement about how he has never seen such a thing in 30 years in public office, and how he hopes neither police nor students were injured (remember: Kerry witnessed this kid getting tasered). Is it any wonder this clown couldn't muster a response to some Swift Boat ads or that he asked for swiss cheese on his cheesesteak during a campaign stop in Philadelphia, or that his idea of "biking" is riding some effeminate tour de france type 20 speed.

Alas, Kerry and his response, or lack thereof, is just par for the course with Democrats lo these long days.

The Democratic Party. Without balls since Lyndon Johnson.

1 comment:

GO said...

That guy was HYSTERICAL. Kerry is so detached he probably didnt notice, and definitely didnt care.