More on the NE Patriot Act...
i.e., videotaping and wiretapping.
1) The investigation continues? Pete King writes that Goodell continues to seek videotape from the Patriots and if they don’t fully comply the penalty the commish imposed could be increased.
2) More on the King article here – is the nonsensical reason Goodell gives for NOT suspending Belichick. King hints that if Belichick were a short-timer he would have been suspended. What has that go to do with the price of tea in China?
3) Even more ludicrous is this Goodell answer to a surprising hardball question from NFL company man King: “I said to him,” King writes, “assuming New England makes the playoffs, ‘The Patriots still have a first-round pick, and they still have four first-day picks in the draft.’' Said Goodell: ‘Right. But what about the pick they don't have? What if that pick turns into Dan Marino or Darrell Green?’' Got that? Goodell thinks his sanctions of the Patriots are so severe cause the draft pick they lost could cost them a Hall of Fame player. I can see the headline now, “Goodell Sanctions Pats, Strips Team of Possible Dan Marino.” But other than that, Goodell’s “punishment” will still leave the Pats with four first-day draft choices. Wow, talk about harsh. Not.
4) The NY Times drops this intriguing nugget into today’s story about Goodell’s rush to judgment: “NBC reported that the Patriots might have wired linemen to pick up the Jets’ offensive audibles.” What the?!?!?
5) Why are people criticizing Mangini as a turncoat? Did he dime Belichick out? No. Only when the great Bill B. used the same illegal spy tape strategy on the Jets that Mangini presumably knew about/used from his days with the Pats did Mangenius bring it to NFL security’s attention. If anything, Mangini’s loyalty is still intact. In fact, why didn’t Goodell bring Mangini in to inquire about what he knew and when he knew it. The bigger fall guy here is Belichick who could/would still be taping this week if he had shown enough discretion to not use it against the one of the two head coaches in the league who knew to be on the lookout for it (Crennel being the other).
6) I wonder how Goodell feels about the rumors of the Belichick contract extension. Talk about Bob Kraft giving a big F-U to the commish and standing by his man.
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