Monday, January 28, 2008

Race Race

With only one more football game to go, Eagleseye’s attention will turn increasingly to the 2008 elections. On that note, Barack Obama won the South Carolina primary. The media is falling all over itself to declare that Obama’s win was a cross-racial victory.


And yet, don’t buy the Obama or media spin. African-americans make up 55% of the electorate – they voted overwhelmingly for him – and he wound up with… 55% of the vote. Coincidence? Doubtful.


Obama may or may not be a transformative figure, but it looks like the SC results were the same old Democratic identify politics. And I say that with sadness for Obama and the party. Pretending otherwise won’t make it so. Jesse Jackson won S. Carolina back in 1984 for gosh sakes. It’s the absolute least Obama could do.

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