Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Whose an Eagles Fan to Root for in the Big Game?

A friend of mine neatly and succinctly captures the dilemma facing Eagles fans in choosing who to root for in the upcoming Giants-Patriots game.


Mark writes:


Couple of things about this game.  I don't know whether to attribute my Super Bowl depression to clinical chemical imbalance, or just 4th generation Philly sports fan anger.  Actually, that might be a chicken and egg argument.


Reasons I can't pick a side:


-I hate the Giants.


-I hate Boston fans and their attitude that they somehow deserve all this after so many years, blah, blah, blah.  Shut the f up.

-I think the '72 Dolphins are a bunch of grumpy, old, a-holes, and I'll be more than happy to never see or hear from them again.  Pack your Geritol and stamp your tickets to oblivion boys.

-The Giants aren't that good.  If the Eagles management wasn't so arrogant, we could be in Glendale right now .

-I hate Randy Moss and think guys who dog it on bad teams should be banished and not be allowed to fall into a golden pile of crap like he has.

-The Patriots are cheaters.

-I like Tom Brady, but I'm getting sick of hearing about him.  The only thing worse would've been a two week beatification/deification/slurpathon of Brett Favre.

-Eli Freakin' Manning?!?!  Are you serious?  Eli Freakin' Manning?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is "who's," not "whose."

Also, pick the Giants -- you know it is the right thing to do!