Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Times OK with Disenfranchisement?

Ordinarily, I would presume that the New York Times would oppose the disenfranchisement of primary voters. But in the latest example of Trump Derangement Syndrome, the fact that Donald Trump is not getting the appropriate number of delegates based on the primary vote results is ok by the Grey Lady. In fact, not only is it ok, but as delegates are being stolen from him, the NYTimes blames Trump for the situation and essentially calls him a cry baby. Nice.

If Only

Why is it that the federal government has the backbone and negotiating chops to put the big squeeze on Fannie and Freddie, but is incapable of securing similarly sweet deals for the taxpayers from previous wards of the state like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan? Indeed, this story about Fannie/Freddie comes on the heels of the ridiculous settlement the feds made with Goldman that isn't even a slap on the wrist to the Titan of Wall Street for all its fraud in mortgage backed securities in the run up to the 2008 Great Housing Meltdown.

For comparison purposes this case is just another indication that not only Washington, but Democrats - including the Obama administration - are in thrall of Wall Street and nothing can break their iron grip.