Monday, November 21, 2005

8-8 Skinnies?

My washington friends are sullenly thining that 8-8 is now the likely final record for Gibbs' second year of Part II.

Which raised the point is 8-8 a good record for this team.

Relative to the mediocrity of past teams, 8-8 would be a good for this team. BUT

It would be very disappointing given how this season started for them and their record in the beginning. It would also be disappointing given the quality of competition in the NFC this year. The best the Skinnies could do is 8-8? That’s not very encouraging.

But worst, do you really expect the Skins to be more improved next year? With Brunnel at QB and perhaps Gregg Williams head coaching somewhere else?

Still a lot of football to be played and games to be won, but they are probably an underdog this week notwithstanding the cross-continent plane ride for the Chargers. And close with three straight division games. Since Parcells owns Gibbs, notwithstanding stealing that last game in Dallas, that would put them at 7 losses. Which means they beat the Rams, Cards, Giants, and Eagles to get a winning record.

We’ll see.

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