Friday, August 22, 2008

Unlucky 13

Terrible loss for the Phils last night in not getting the sweep and adding to the league’s worst team’s 12 game losing streak.


How can the Phillies put two men on with no outs in the 8th and not managed to score a run, nor score a run in the ninth after getting a leadoff single and a stolen base to put the tying run at second, again with no out.


Other thoughts:


Why did Manuel pinch hit for Durbin in the bottom of the 7th. There were already 2 out. Even in foresight, it would have been better to send Durbin back out to protect the lead in the 8th rather than have Jenkins pinch hit (he got a double) but was then stranded on second.


In the 8th, did Manuel even contemplate a double steal with Werth and Utley given that it would have been difficult for the third baseman to cover the bag since he was partly shifted over with Howard up?


Shouldn’t Victorino have tried to steal earlier in Bruntlett’s at bat? And what a terrible sacrifice bunt at bat that was for Bruntlett. Also, Victorino looked pretty out on his steal of second.


What a wasted opportunity.


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