Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Damaged Ford

Bob Ford attacks Donovan McNabb’s GQ interview in which McNabb blames the coaching staff for the lack of a no huddle offense at the end of the super bowl and complains that the team didn’t support him.


Oddly, Ford lays the lack of offensive urgency at McNabb’s feet and completely disregards the coaching staff’s culpability. It is famously, after all, head coach Andy Reid who calls the offensive plays. And presumably it is Reid who orders a no huddle offense. So I’m not sure what Wolf is suggesting, other than McNabb should have committed insubordination (for which he would now take him to task for as well) and gone no huddle regardless of Reid’s playcalling.


Ford also says that since the team paid McNabb $112 million that it supported him. No, actually. That is paying him. For services rendered. Supporting him would have been to defend him from the raft of criticism, much of racially motivated, that permeated his career in Philadelphia and even leaked into news stories. Supporting him would have meant going out and getting more than headcase Terrell Owens as his lone WR playmaker in his eleven seasons with the team.


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