Thursday, November 25, 2010

Doing NBC's job

Al Michaels brieflly and vaguely referenced Eli Manning fumbling in similar fashion last year (on a head first dive). It was nearly one year ago. And it was against the Eagles and the game was broadcast on NBC. Inexplicably, NBC never did cue up the replay from last year and show it. Why is a great mystery. I thought these kind of things were digitally preserved and on the fingertips of the vaunted producers.

In any case, my friend PK did NBC's job for them by finding the relevant replay clip on-line.

Watched this again -- yes, it was a Sun night game. You can see the NBC logo in the video. Which is both odd, since they barely mentioned the similar fumble Sunday night despite having called the game themselves. And because they didn't air the 2 fumbles sequentially so we could see the stupid fumbles.

At the 3-min mark, you'll find Eli's flop from last year that led to the most ridiculous fumble ever -- until last night.  
As my brother notes: Crazy similarities in both games.  Giants take lead after eagles looked great in 1st half.  Giants lead was 1 (like last night) and then eagles score on long play.  Avant 2 point conversion – same play just went the other way with lefty Vick playing.  Turnover by G-men in last 10 seconds.  Crazy.

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