Wednesday, April 27, 2011


President Obama has released his "long form" birth certificate. In theory, the document should quell the lingering yet widespread doubts about his birthplace among conspiracy minded (or is it delusional) Republicans. Yet, the document also means that congressional Democrats missed (again) an opportunity to take the offensive and put their colleagues to a difficult vote.

Congressional Democrats should have introduced a privileged resolution affirming that Obama is a native born American and the duly elected President of the United States. Because all House and Senate members take an oath to uphold the constitution, their very positions require them to remove the president if they didn't believe him to be constitutionally qualified to be president. Democrats should have forced Republicans to vote on the record on the issue and try to drive at least a slight wedge between the elected officials and the tea party base.

But being Democrats, they of course chose to do nothing.

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