Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Rain delay

What absolutely galls me is that Selig is somehow getting credit for making the call to suspend the game when he, once again, is a profile in cowardice.

1)      The game should not have been started.

2)      Selig is lying when he says forecasts indicated the game could be played

3)      Really the game should have been stopped in the 4th inning but I'm guessing Selig didn't want the heat for actually having to cancel a World Series game and have to make it up.

4)      If I heard once, I heard a thousand times in the lead up to Saturday's game that the overriding concern of baseball when it comes to inclement weather in a post-season game is that they don't want to stop a game once it has already started.

5)      Monday night's conditions were completely unworthy of a championship game

6)      This whole thing about how selig let both teams know the game would not be called is kind of shady. It seems that neither Maddon, Manuel, or any of the players knew this. Gillick and the Rays GM never communicated it to their teams or managers? That's kind of strange.

7)      I don't know what input the rays or Phillies had in the ultimate decision to play, but it is in the end the commissioner's call. And he blew it. I also think it telling that the Phillies are furious at the whole situation - which is why you didn't see Manuel or any other phillie in the post-game press conference.

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