Wednesday, March 17, 2010

a 2-fer

The W. Post editorial writers join their Timesmen brethren in mischaracterizing the illegal immigration debate to tut tut those policymakers who are trying to curb illegal immigration and takes to task Arizona legislators who are defending their state's borders because the federal government is incapable of securing its own.

Can a state really "usurp the federal government's authority over immigration enforcement" when the federal government's enforcement has been willfully negligent to nonexistent. And the Post really suggests that Arizona dares to "defy the Fraternal Order of Police." Wow. According to the Post, a state better not cross a police labor organization.

It's a sign of how far the illegal immigration debate has gone off the rails that Arizona's law and order attempt to protect US citizens and legal immigrants is described as "malice" toward illegal immigrants.

Even one of my favorite Post op-ed writers is afflicted with the dreaded tunnel vision. Harold Meyerson writes "but no path to legalization has been staked out since 1986 -- a long time for millions of people to live in the shadows."

Of course, there is a path to legalization its just that illegal immigrants have refused to follow it and instead circumvented the orderly immigration process and now demand that their willful disregard for the law be rewarded with US citizenship. And what Meyerson so coyly refers to as the legalization route since 1986 was the grand immigration compromise that granted amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants already in the country at that time in exchange for tough new enforcement and border security measures. Enforcement and security that never materialized. Some compromise. Heads I win, tails you lose. 

It's a cautionary tale about the eventual fate of any new immigration law. Assuredly, we'll have to return to the issue of granting amnesty of millions more illegals who are encouraged to come to the US in future years because of the ignorant munificence of dunderheaded federal lawmakers who confuse legal with illegal and compassion with permissiveness.

Illegal immigrants and their advocates are playing their former countrymen who patiently wait to enter the US legally as suckers along with the US leaders they've duped into believing are "victims" of a system they hold in contempt by their illegal actions.

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