Sunday, March 28, 2010


Interesting take on the effect Citizens Bank Park has had on the Phillies and the fan experience. Article includes the park's appeal to a certain demographic.

Nor in 2004 could they have anticipated that most would be young adults, a generation that appeared to have abandoned baseball. Citizens Bank Park, with its boardwalk atmosphere, became a festive fountain of youth, an appealing destination for a new demographic of younger, thirstier
Phillies fans, many of whom don't much care about squeezes and sacrifices.
"The whole group that enjoys hanging out on Ashburn Alley, those people didn't come to the Vet," Montgomery said. "We were dependent on hard-core fans there and families. Now we're benefiting from that 18-to-32 age group."

Of course, the alleged perpetrators of a murder that stemmed from an incident in the stadium that spilled outside also come from that sweet demographic of tailgating, drinking, testosterone addled young adults. It brings a painful meaning to the word Phanatic.

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