Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Football Stands

My friend who is a Giants' fan asks:

DId the Colts fan have a legal obligation to give the helmet back to the Giants, or the NFL or anyone?  Do you waive your right to keep objects that come into the stands at a football game as part of yoru ticket purchase?
not sure if its just baseball culture that lets you keep objects that fly into the stands that isn't there in football....

i was fascinated by that standoff and wish there were more coverage of it and what ultimately happened.

I thought fans could keep footballs that were kicked in to the stands - remember that crazy guy that jumped out of his seat and down in to the concourse portal while actually catching the attempted FG? I htink it was a Monday nigher in Chicago.

judging by all the security that got involved, i presume the fan is not allowed to keep the helmet, even if the player does throw it into the stands (accidentally in the case of Jacobs). But i also assumed that, like baseball, when a fan returns a players bat that's flown into the stands, the equipment manager gives the fan a spare in return. 

i know teams keep spare helmets and assorted equipment on the sidelines in case stuff breaks. I would have assumed the Giants gave the fan another helmet, but can't say for sure that did happen since NBC didn't follow up. 

The other question i have is liability. all tickets have teh standard disclaimer and liability waiver about fan injury resulting from objects emanating from the field of play. Does this also apply to equipment thrown by a player into the stands that is not part of the normal course of the game? If the fan was injured, does he have a claim against Jacobs, the Giants, the NFL, Colts, and/or operators of Lucas Stadium?

Any other insights to this?



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