Sunday, October 24, 2010

This Sucks

This NLCS loss was just so disappointing because the expectations were so high. This team is stacked.

And it's not being a sore loser to point out that this Giants team is not very good - the lineup is pathetic though the pitching is pretty good. I mean, Aubrey Huff? Juan Uribe? Edgar Renteria? Rowand? Give me a break. On the other hand, they managed to win the west, beat the Phils and win the pennant so there must be something there.

For whatever reason, the Phils couldn't get the hits when they needed them - when guys were on base. And the Giants seemingly did get hits every time they got a guy in scoring position. And even with all that, they barely eeked out 3 1 run games.

On another note, I once again need to re-evaluate my relationship with sports and why i am so emotionally invested in my favorite teams winning when rationally speaking I derive no tangible benefit from their winning (nor suffer a measurable loss when they lose). In the larger scheme of things whether Ryan Howard, who doesn't know me from a hole in the wall, can hit a ball safely and score a run to win a baseball game probably shouldn't affect me the way it did.

By the way, check out some of the message boards today. It looks like Ryan Howard may be the new Donovan McNabb in the philly fandom pantheon of hate. What I don't understand is while he didn't get an RBI, Howard hit pretty well overall, just not with runners on. There are plenty of other guys in that lineup that were worse offensively over the course of the series: Victorino, Utley and especially Ibanez.

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