Wednesday, January 20, 2016

TDS NY Times' Style

Somehow the NY Times manages a Donald Trump reference in an editorial about a Supreme Court decision to hear a case brougtht by 26 states against the President's executive authority over immigration enforcement. And the Times' assertion that "No one, besides Donald Trump, believes the nation has the resources, or the will, to deport them all" is not altogether accurate. It is might have been better to write, No one on our editorial board believes the nation has the resources, or the will, to deport them all." In the Times' view, illegal immigration has just gotten to be too much of a problem to solve or even attempt to solve.

Certainly, the case could be made that the current president doesn't believe the Times' assertion as he has overseen the deportation of 400,000 illegal immigrants per year by then end of his first term according to the Washington Post.

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