Friday, January 15, 2016

Trump Derangement Syndrome

Obama Derangement Syndrome is a well-known malady afflicting many in the GOP, and especially its conservative Tea Party wing. Whatever Obama does can never be viewed in a positive light, no matter how ill-considered or irrational the result.

It appears that the media has a similar Trump Derangement Syndrome where whatever comes out of the bombastic candidate's mouth is reflexively mocked no matter the underlying substance of the issue or point. And it's been funny to see the media tie itself up in knots to razz the Republican front runner while taking pains to excuse like-minded actions by actual high-ranking government officials.

So it is with the Washington Post's laudatory editorial praising SC Gov. Nikki Haley's Republican response to the President's State of the Union address as a counterweight to Trump's "noxious brand of nativism." 

With little embarrassment and no sense of irony, the editorial notes Haley's well-documented history in signing Arizona-style "papers, please" immigration laws, joined a lawsuit to stop the administration from pausing deportations, and opposed Syrian refugees from settling in South Carolina. 

But in the Post's eyes, so long as she makes a speech against Trump's immigration stance she's a paragon of "tolerance."

Again, it's comical for the Post to denounce Trump's temporary ban on Muslims form entering the country while at the very same time excusing Haley's attempts to prevent Syrians refugees from entering her state. The only difference being Trump isn't an elected official (yet) and so his call plan is only a proposal, while Haley is a state governor and is actually enforcing a ban on immigrants/refugees that runs directly and so obviously counter to her claim of country/state that welcomes legal migrants. But hey, as long as she is taking aim at Trump, all is forgiven in the eye of the Post editorial board.

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