Tuesday, July 25, 2006

TO in DC

TO made an appearance on the John Thompson show last week to promote his book. Thompson’s sidekick, Doc Walker, also joined in the TO “interview.” (For the uninitiated, Doc Walker was a role player on the Gibbs’ Super Bowl teams and has managed to parlay that “fame” into a somewhat successful media career in DC.)

Anyway, Thompson and Walker lobbed softballs at TO for the entire interview. You would hardly have thought there was ever a controversy in Philadelphia or that TO got suspended from the team for the duration of the 2005 season. No mention of McNabb’s “black on black crime” comments, which is kind of extraordinary when you think about it given Thompson’s strong support/defense of African-american athletes. (One of my favorite Thompson radio moments was his musing about the NHL and the dearth of minority players.)

Note to Thompson and Walker: ask TO why none of the offensive players were his allies, spoke up in his defense or attended his birthday party. Why was it only defensive players that said anything positive about him? And putting aside the McNabb angle, why didn't TO get along with his offensive coordinator? Or if TO is such a stupendous talent, and he is, is he playing for his third team in four years?



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