Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Manning Protects McNabb...So Far

Along those same lines as my earlier post on the whole McNabb craziness, I would really like to see Tony Dungy win the super bowl. Just a kind, decent gentleman. But that would mean Manning wins too and not only do i care less about Manning winning, Manning’s lack of post-season success has been a terrific defense for those of us who defend McNabb. When the naysayers argue McNabb stinks and they want a new QB – a “winner” - they always point to Manning – which allows us to point out that Manning has a demonstrably worse post-season record than McNabb. That would not necessarily be true if the Colts win next week. (Of course, by the nonsensical standards of Wolffie and his ilk, the only two QBs worth anything are Brady and Roethlisberger since they are the only recent ones to win SBs. And you’re not going to be able to land Brady or Roethlisberger for the Eagles.)


Ugh!!! This drives me crazy!!!!

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