Thursday, January 25, 2007

McNabb and the Saints Game

One example of the difference w/ McNabb and which drove me crazy about what people said after the Saints game.


I was talking to a friend when the Eagles had 4th and 10.  Then when it was 4th and 15 I said I had no problem punting.  Citing that we had 2 timeouts left – which as we know was a miracle considering our clock management over the past 5 years.  I commented this is why you save your timeouts – or something like that (I was about 12-14 vodka tonics into the night).  Afterward everyone is up and arms and brings up this is the same team that converted a 4th and 26.  What?  No it’s not. That team had a QB with a cannon as well as a remarkable ability to make the impossible play.  Completely different team.  McNabb is a playmaker.


If Manning wins – the argument changes to – good thing Indy didn’t run him out of town for not winning in his first few years.  Same goes for Cowher in Pittsburgh.


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