Thursday, May 17, 2007

Saints Alive

Rich Hoffman hit the nail on the head when he wrote that the Eagles’ obsession with the Saints, and specifically the Saints playoff loss “merely crystallized on one January evening the months of flaws and frustrations that the Eagles had been gradually uncovering all along.”


No power running game. An inability to stop the run. Lack of a strong-armed QB (in my opinion, the main reason Reid decided to punt and not go for 4th and 15 late in the game).


Interestingly, there is some tantalizing info about Shawn Andrews wanting revenge against the Saints, presumably related to the neck contusion he suffered that caused him to miss the 2nd half and be rushed to the hospital. Funny, your all-pro guard leaves the game, sent to the hospital, and subsequently has to miss the Pro Bowl because of a neck injury and there is still remarkably little information about what happened, how it happened, where it happened, and where the actual injury on the neck was (reportedly, his neck swelled so much it affected his breathing). Andrews had an MRI a couple of days after the Saints game, though Reid didn’t go into details of the findings.


Just another day in Eagleland.

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