Thursday, April 10, 2008

Running a Relay

I worked on the Olympic Torch relay for the ’96 summer Olympics in Atlanta so it is with some sadness that I have been reading about all of the  problems the torch and the Chinese are experiencing right now. (If I can find it, I’ll try to post a picture of yours truly running with the flame outside Salt Lake City circa May 1996.)


But I can’t help but wonder if I were working on the relay right now if it would all make a difference. Probably so. I’m known as a peacemaker and exceptional torch relay advance man. But alas, the Red China Commie leaders never bothered to call me.


And as Chris Suellentrop points out, the Torch Relay was the brainchild of Adolph Hitler for the 1936 Olympics. Make no mistake, the Olympic games are entirely political and uber-nationalistic. Why do you think they play the national anthems and hoist the flag of the winner’s country during the medal ceremony? So please spare me the purity of the athletic competition b.s.



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