Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Goomba Alert

At the risk of inciting hundreds of thousands of goombas in the NY metro area, would someone please tell Mariah Carey that she's become a fat pig, whore and should stop dressing in such a way to accentuate her exponentially increasing dimensions (eagleseye applauds the chest measurements, unfortunately the hip, thigh, chin and cheek numbers nowvastly exceed the top number)? Maybe 15 years ago she was a lithe hottie, but in the post-Mrs. Mottola world she's merely a tarted up flounce. the only thing saving her is her incredibly heaving bosom. Seriously, she's a fishnet stocking and hot pants panties away from being Britney Spears. Why BS got spanked for being "out of shape" for her disastrous MTV appearance and no one calls Mariah Carey out on similarly physical shortcomings is beyond me. Indeed, if Spears wanted to truly reinvent herself she should pattern her look and style after the teflon-like Carey, right down to marrying a Hollywood mogul and divorcing him for millions instead of hooking up with some backup dancer and having to pay him millions in support.


GO said...

Being from the land of Goombahs, Staten Island, NY, I am uniquely qualified to comment on this issue. While she's definitely gained some weight, she's still a sick piece of ass that I'd nail faster than you can say the word "drakkar".

Anonymous said...

why are you writing about mariah carey?