Thursday, November 08, 2007

Roofies for Kids

First it was lead in children's toys made in China, most notably Thomas the Tank engine. Now news of the most bizarre kind. The Chinese-made children's craft toy, Aqua Dots, is being recalled because some of the pieces if ingested metabolize in the stomach to become a substance called GBH, otherwise known as the "Date Rape Drug." Incredible.

Hey, here's a plot suggestion for the Fox TV show 24. Why not have Jack Bauer go back to China to track down the bad guys poisoning American children with lethal toys.

On a more serious note, how long and to what extent do Chinese-made toys have to threaten our children before American officials catch on that this is a deliberate attempt to stunt the healthy brain and physical growth of future American generations. Couldn't this be considered terrorists attacks? At this point, we are way beyond one bad Chinese factory manager or one "rogue" factory. Chinese manufacturers have already caused more harm to American citizens than the mullahs in Iran have threatened to do.

Why does Nancy Nord still have a job? Why do American officials continue to believe these incidents continue to be random and unconnected, even as they continue to pile up and all share one common thread--targeting the health of American children.

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